Breaking New Ground: Farmer Perspective on Organic Transition

Breaking New Ground: Farmer Perspectives on Organic Transition, a joint report released by Oregon Tilth and Oregon State University’s Center for Small Farms & Community Food Systems, highlights key recommendations for organizations and agencies that can provide support in crop research, infrastructure and market development as well as shaping public policies for transition to organic… Continue reading Breaking New Ground: Farmer Perspective on Organic Transition

Quick Start Guide: Transition Your Farm Operation to Organic

Need a quick reference guide for how to get started with transitioning to organic? Oregon Tilth’s condensed Quick Start Guide series is designed to answer your big questions quickly, give examples, and point to helpful tools to get started.

Transitioning to Organic Profiles

The publication highlights organic opportunities and offers strategies to address the unique challenges that transitioning producers face. It features livestock, crop, and vegetable producers who were in the process of transitioning or were recently certified organic between 2012 and 2015. The producers’ profiles highlight their motivations to transition, significant challenges encountered, and the outcomes they… Continue reading Transitioning to Organic Profiles

Audit Trail: A Sample Documentation Process

One of the core practices of your certified organic operation is developing good quality record-keeping and documentation (commonly referred to as an “audit trail”). Use this tool as an example when developing the documentation process for your operation.

Recordkeeping for Organics: Tips, Tricks, and Questions Answered

This webinar video helps producers understand what records are required to apply for organic certification. We also share “sound and sensible” recordkeeping practices that producers can implement to demonstrate organic compliance to inspectors and certifiers.

Recordkeeping Case Study: Keeping Records for a Crop Audit

With support from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service, National Organic Program, Oregon Tilth developed a series of farmer-to-farmer case studies on best practices in recordkeeping. The records of a certified organic farm’s operations and activities demonstrate where promise and practice meet for an inspector and certifier. An annual mandatory inspection examines the… Continue reading Recordkeeping Case Study: Keeping Records for a Crop Audit

Recordkeeping Case Study: Documenting Ruminant Livestock Feed

With support from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service, National Organic Program, Oregon Tilth developed a series of farmer-to-farmer case studies on best practices in recordkeeping. The records of a certified organic farm’s operations and activities demonstrate where promise and practice meet for an inspector and certifier. An annual mandatory inspection examines the… Continue reading Recordkeeping Case Study: Documenting Ruminant Livestock Feed

Recordkeeping Case Study: Documenting Material Records

With support from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service, National Organic Program, Oregon Tilth developed a series of farmer-to-farmer case studies on best practices in recordkeeping. The records of a certified organic farm’s operations and activities demonstrate where promise and practice meet for an inspector and certifier. An annual mandatory inspection examines the… Continue reading Recordkeeping Case Study: Documenting Material Records

Recordkeeping Case Study: Seed Search Documentation and History

With support from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service, National Organic Program, Oregon Tilth developed a series of farmer-to-farmer case studies on best practices in recordkeeping. The records of a certified organic farm’s operations and activities demonstrate where promise and practice meet for an inspector and certifier. An annual mandatory inspection examines the… Continue reading Recordkeeping Case Study: Seed Search Documentation and History