Type: Fact Sheets
Organic Sunflower Production
Sunflowers can increase diversity in organic grain crop rotations, which is important for managing fertility, insects, weeds and diseases. They can also contribute to the diversification of farm revenue through access to a variety of markets.
Organic Management of Fall Armywork
Fall armyworms can be devastating for corn and also feed on a variety of grasses. Some researchers have suggested that if northern locations begin to experience warmer winters, fall armyworm could become a more frequent pest in the northern U.S. This resource covers organic management practices for fall armyworm.
Organic Farming…Certified or Not
A slide deck presentation about the organic certification process.
Farm Credit Options
This is a list of loans, grants and USDA Cost-Share programs that may be useful to beginning farmers and farmers transitioning to organic.
Blind Cultivation for Early-Season Weed Control in Organic Grains
Blind cultivation provides early-season control of both in-row and inter-row weeds, giving crops a competitive advantage and improving effectiveness of row cultivation later in the season. Tine weeders and rotary hoes are commonly used for blind cultivation, and information on these tools is included.