Integrate Livestock into Your Veggie Crops

This question-and-answer session is a follow-up to a webinar NCAT hosted about integrated crop-livestock systems. Such systems may provide sustainable alternatives to terminate cover crops, reduce fertilizer, and improve the water cycle. Featured in this session are Montana specialty crop farmer Leon Stangl, Montana State University (MSU) research associate Devon Ragen, and MSU graduate student… Continue reading Integrate Livestock into Your Veggie Crops

Recordkeeping Case Study: Documenting Ruminant Livestock Feed

With support from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service, National Organic Program, Oregon Tilth developed a series of farmer-to-farmer case studies on best practices in recordkeeping. The records of a certified organic farm’s operations and activities demonstrate where promise and practice meet for an inspector and certifier. An annual mandatory inspection examines the… Continue reading Recordkeeping Case Study: Documenting Ruminant Livestock Feed

Decoding Organic Feed and Supplement Requirements for Livestock

This webinar focuses on the livestock feed requirements of the National Organic Standards in more detail. The presenters break down livestock feed standards and how they apply to specific systems; give an overview of feed supplements, including how they are classified and regulations for use; and explain guidelines for ensuring that your animals’ nutritional needs… Continue reading Decoding Organic Feed and Supplement Requirements for Livestock

Quick Start Guide: Organic Livestock Feed and Nutrition

Need a quick reference guide for how to get started with understanding organic rules for livestock feed, supplements and nutrition? Oregon Tilth’s condensed Quick Start Guide series is designed to answer your big questions quickly, give examples and point to helpful tools to get started

Demystifying Pasture, Feed, and Dry Matter Intake Records

This webinar focused on the recordkeeping requirements for dry matter intake (DMI) during the grazing season, pasture access, and feed records needed for the on-site inspection and certification. The presenters demonstrated examples of recordkeeping for organic ruminant operations and discussed how to avoid common recordkeeping pitfalls that can impact compliance. Using examples from both small… Continue reading Demystifying Pasture, Feed, and Dry Matter Intake Records