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Type: Webinars
Using Cost Information for business Management and Business Decision Making
Watch this presentation by Oregon Tilth’s Farm Viability Specialist, Tanya Murray, to learn about ways that cost of production information can be used to manage your business and make better business decisions. This presentation features examples and lessons learned from three diversified vegetable farms that have determined the crop-specific costs of production for all of… Continue reading Using Cost Information for business Management and Business Decision Making
Increase the Sustainability of Your Business
As a certified organic business, you already have a leg up when it comes to sustainability. But what does “sustainability” mean? What is sustainable about being an organic business, and how can you continue to deepen your commitment to sustainability? This webinar answers these questions by highlighting eleven “Sustainability Indicator” areas for the organic products… Continue reading Increase the Sustainability of Your Business
Risky Business: Assessing Areas of Risk for Current and Potential Organic Operations
Risks are threats, but can also be opportunities in life and business. During this webinar we cover topics to help organic operations make strides in managing various potential risks. The presenters discuss risk assessment and management for organic farmers and processors, as well as transitioning, new, and long-time producers.
Managing Pests Organically in the Garden and Orchard
Did you combat pests in your garden or orchard this season? Are you interested in learning about organic strategies for controlling those pests? This virtual workshop was recorded 1n October 2020. During the workshop, NCAT Horticulture Specialists Guy Ames and Luke Freeman discussed the following topics: Principles of organic pest management What is integrated pest… Continue reading Managing Pests Organically in the Garden and Orchard
Pollinator Plantings in Organic Pastures
This webinar investigates how organic pasture systems have the potential to do much more than just feed livestock. If managed properly, pastures and rangeland can include many forbs (herbaceous flowering plant) – from forage legumes to wildflowers – that provide nutrients for livestock, pollen and nectar for honey bees, native bees and other pollinators, and… Continue reading Pollinator Plantings in Organic Pastures
Recordkeeping for Organics: Tips, Tricks, and Questions Answered
This webinar video helps producers understand what records are required to apply for organic certification. We also share “sound and sensible” recordkeeping practices that producers can implement to demonstrate organic compliance to inspectors and certifiers.
Innovative Cover Crop Techniques
Watch this webinar to learn about new and innovative uses of cover crops in organic vegetable and strawberry production. Speakers will cover a range of topics including the use of cover crops in beds and furrows between black plastic mulch; using cover crops to reduce tillage and for nitrogen; and interseeding cover crops.
Organic Hemp
Organic growers and manufacturers across the U.S. are turning to certified organic hemp production to bring new (and exciting) products to market. This webinar shared stories focused on how to integrate hemp into an existing organic farm as well as creating a management plan for those transitioning to organic. Participants discussed the opportunities and barriers… Continue reading Organic Hemp
Decoding Organic Feed and Supplement Requirements for Livestock
This webinar focuses on the livestock feed requirements of the National Organic Standards in more detail. The presenters break down livestock feed standards and how they apply to specific systems; give an overview of feed supplements, including how they are classified and regulations for use; and explain guidelines for ensuring that your animals’ nutritional needs… Continue reading Decoding Organic Feed and Supplement Requirements for Livestock