Podcast : From Soil to Certification – The Organic Journey with Sam Welsh

On this special edition of the Tractor Time podcast, hosted by Taylor Henry, CEO of Acres U.S.A, we delve into sustainable farming, regenerative practices, and organic certification with guest Sam Welsh from OneCert, Inc. Sam Welsh shares his journey from executive director at OCIA to founding OneCert in 2003 and its growth to include a… Continue reading Podcast : From Soil to Certification – The Organic Journey with Sam Welsh

Evaluating Organic Transitions at the Field Level

This publication provides information on making plans to transition to organic crop production. It helps outline the need for a transition crop plan, the importance of individual crop budgets, and evaluating results.

Making the Transition from Conventional to Organic

Farming organically allows producers to incur many economic and social advantages compared to farming conventionally. Understanding and planning the economic returns of the transition process can aid the producer in planning and in becoming organically certified.

Insights from an Organic Certifier

This webinar will briefly discuss the process of organic certification including the on-farm inspection. The presenter will describe key issues and concerns that are examined in the inspection and review process. The presentation will include a discussion of common mistakes and anecdotal stories to highlight certifier concerns. Certification requirements related to conservation, such as erosion,… Continue reading Insights from an Organic Certifier

Steps to Organic Certification

Organic Certification doesn’t have to be daunting. Explore the five key steps in the organic certification process.

Guide for Organic Crop Producers

New farmers, and farmers experienced in conventional agriculture, often find that obtaining organic certification for their crops is quite challenging. This guide is intended to help lead farmers through the organic certification process. Chapters 1 through 4 explain the National Organic Program (NOP) and describe the process of organic certification. Later chapters explain specific USDA… Continue reading Guide for Organic Crop Producers