Companion Planting and Botanical Pesticides: Concepts and Resources

Certain plants can benefit others when planted in close proximity or used as botanical pesticides. This publication discusses the scientific and traditional basis for companion planting associations including trap cropping, weed suppression, physical-spatial interactions, and other relationships. It provides a companion planting chart for common herbs, vegetables, and flowers, as well as a listing of… Continue reading Companion Planting and Botanical Pesticides: Concepts and Resources

Preventing Commingling/Contamination in Organic Handling

USDA organic regulations require certified handlers to prevent commingling of organic and non-organic products. Handlers must also prevent organic products from being contaminated by any prohibited material. Learn the basic requirements of preventing commingling and contamination in organic handling with this fact sheet.

Preventative Practices for Organic Handlers

Organic handlers are operations that process, package or sell organic products. They are required to prevent mixing organic and non-organic ingredients. Learn about preventative practices to meet this requirement in this short video.

Allowed Detergents and Sanitizers for Food Contact Surfaces and Equipment in Organic Operations

The National Organic Program’s (NOP) Organic Standards require that an organic handling operation take measures to prevent the commingling of organic and nonorganic products and protect organic products from contact with prohibited substances. (USDA organic regulations 7 CFR 205.272). Cleaning and sanitizing is an important part of an organic system plan. The purpose of this… Continue reading Allowed Detergents and Sanitizers for Food Contact Surfaces and Equipment in Organic Operations

Commonly Used Organic Inputs

Participants will learn about the basic regulations governing inputs used in organic production, including identifying types of products that need more thorough evaluation for compliance. Emphasis will be placed on reviewing the most common inputs used in organic production, especially for fertility and pest control. Participants will have an activity to look at a label… Continue reading Commonly Used Organic Inputs