Organic Alfalfa Management Guide

Looking to switch to organic alfalfa production? This management guide details the considerations and procedures for doing so.

Overview of Cover Crops and Green Manures

Cover crops could be considered the backbone of any annual cropping system that seeks to be sustainable. In this publication we summarize the principal uses and benefits of cover crops and green manures. Brief descriptions and examples are provided for winter cover crops, summer green manures, living mulches, catch crops, and some forage crops.

Cover Crop in Organic Systems: Western States Implementation Guide

This document provides an overview of how the NRCS Cover Crop (340) conservation practice can be implemented on organic operations. It discusses different purposes for the practice’s use, design considerations, and how installation might differ in organic systems. Specifically, it outlines techniques and specifications to help NRCS conservationists and partners meet the requirements of the… Continue reading Cover Crop in Organic Systems: Western States Implementation Guide

Innovative Cover Crop Techniques

Watch this webinar to learn about new and innovative uses of cover crops in organic vegetable and strawberry production. Speakers will cover a range of topics including the use of cover crops in beds and furrows between black plastic mulch; using cover crops to reduce tillage and for nitrogen; and interseeding cover crops.

Cover Crop in Organic Systems: Idaho Implementation Guide

This document provides an overview of how the NRCS Cover Crop (340) conservation practice can be implemented on organic operations. It discusses different purposes for the practice’s use, design considerations, and how installation might differ in organic systems. Specifically, it outlines techniques and specifications to help NRCS conservationists and partners meet the requirements of the… Continue reading Cover Crop in Organic Systems: Idaho Implementation Guide

Cover Crop in Organic Systems: Oregon Implementation Guide

This document provides an overview of how the NRCS Cover Crop (340) conservation practice can be implemented on organic operations. It discusses different purposes for the practice’s use, design considerations, and how installation might differ in organic systems. Specifically, it outlines techniques and specifications to help NRCS conservationists and partners meet the requirements of the… Continue reading Cover Crop in Organic Systems: Oregon Implementation Guide