Introducing the Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) for Producers in South Dakota

May 29, 2024
2:00 pm
May 29, 2024
3:00 pm

The Transitional Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) in South Dakota aims to support farmers in transitioning to organic farming. The program offers education and technical support from experienced organic farmers, educators, and consultants. By providing these resources, TOPP helps South Dakota farmers navigate the transition period, promoting sustainable agriculture and increasing the number of certified organic operations in the state.


The Transitional Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) in South Dakota aims to support farmers in transitioning to organic farming. The program offers education and technical support from experienced organic farmers, educators, and consultants. By providing these resources, TOPP helps South Dakota farmers navigate the transition period, promoting sustainable agriculture and increasing the number of certified organic operations in the state.
