Input Materials for Use in Organic Crop Production

This fact sheet from WSDA outlines how to determine if an input material meets the USDA organic regulations and would be allowed for use on an organic farm.

Input Materials for Use in
Organic Crop Production
O rg a n i c C e rt i f i c a t i o n F a c t S h e e t
USDA’s national organic regulations list inputs that are allowed in organic crop production. With
some exceptions, all natural (non-synthetic) inputs are allowed and synthetic products are
prohibited. This fact sheet outlines how to determine if an input material meets the USDA
organic regulations and would be allowed for use on an organic farm.
To be sold or labeled as organic, products must be produced and handled without
the use of synthetic products, excluded methods, such as GMO technology, ionizing
radiation, and sewage sludge. The National List of Allowed and Prohibited
Substances outlines criteria and exceptions to this rule. 7CFR §205.105

Recognized input lists
WSDA Organic Input List
National List of Allowed & Prohibited Substances
Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI):
California Dept. of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Organic Input Material Program

Helpful Tips

Input labels may use “organic” to refer to the product chemistry (containing carbon
compounds) rather than its approval for use in organic agriculture. Look for the WSDA
Approved for use in Organic Production seal or the OMRI logo on product labels.
Consider how the input is being used. Products may be approved for a specific use and
prohibited under other circumstances.
Check names carefully. A one letter difference in a brand name may distinguish a compliant
product from a noncompliant version.
Input materials may not disclose all the inactive ingredients on a label. 100% of the
ingredients must be evaluated for compliance. If you cannot determine all the ingredients,
don’t use the input on your organic or transitional site.

Non-synthetic (natural): A substance derived from a mineral, plant, or animal matter and does
not undergo a synthetic process.
Synthetic: A substance formulated or manufactured by a chemical process or by a process
that chemically changes a substance extracted from naturally occurring plant, animal, or mineral
sources. It does not apply to substances created by naturally occurring biological processes.

AGR 3022 – Updated July 2019

Input Materials for Use in Organic Crop Production

Page 2

Input Material Decision Tree

Additional Resource:
NOP Guidance: Materials for Organic Crop Production (NOP 5034)
WSDA Organic Program
PO Box 42560 | Olympia WA 98504-2560
(360) 902-1805 |
AGR 3022 – Updated July 2019

All Regions

External Link
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