Use of Chlorine in Organic Handling

This factsheet outlines best practices for using chlorine in organic handling.

Quick Facts:

Use of Chlorine in Organic Handling
Rinse Product

Follow Label
Approved chlorine materials
may be used in direct contact
with organic products according
to label directions.
Allowed chlorine materials in
organic production are calcium
hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide,
sodium hypochlorite, and
hypochlorous acid from
electrolyzed water.

Step 1

Chlorine use must be
immediately followed by a rinse
sufficient to reduce chlorine
levels on product to potable
water levels:

4 ppm for chlorine
0.8 ppm for chlorine dioxide

Step 2

Monitor & Record
Monitor and record chlorine
levels to verify:

Chlorine material was used
according to label directions
Rinse step sufficiently
reduced chlorine levels on
the organic product

Step 3

National Organic Program Guidance: The Use of Chlorine in Organic Production and Handling

Use of Chlorine in Organic Handling
1. Chlorine materials must be used according to label directions. In addition, all input materials used in
organic handling and all practices related to sanitizing organic products must be documented in your
Organic System Plan (OSP). Your inputs and practices must be approved by WSDA prior to use.
2. A product rinse must be performed using a spray bar, flume, or other application of water*. Other
allowed inputs may be included in the rinse water. The final rinse water must be tested after contact
with the organic product, but before the rinse combines with other water sources. Rinse practices
must be sufficient to reduce chlorine levels to potable water levels (4 ppm chlorine / 0.8 ppm chlorine
3. A recordkeeping system must be in place to document chlorine use and the results of chlorine level
monitoring or testing. Your records must be available at each announced organic inspection.
*Approved acidified sodium chlorite products (acidified with citric acid only) may be used without a rinse. When
breaking eggs for processing, no rinse is required according to FSIS requirements.
Equipment: Allowed chlorine materials may be used to sanitize food contact surfaces up to maximumlabeled rates. No rinse is required, unless mandated by label.
WSDA Organic Program
PO Box 42560 | Olympia WA 98504-2560
(360) 902-1805 |
Updated July 2019

All Regions

External Link
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