Organic Agriculture Series: Organic Autonomous Weed Management

In this webinar video Dr. Bo Melander joins Dr. Kathleen Delate to discuss organic autonomous weed management with a focus on full-width cultivation, inter-row cultivation and intra-row cultivation and the advances we’ve made in each of them. He discusses different machinery such as the Treffler weed harrow, the OptiWeeder, and discusses some of these advances… Continue reading Organic Agriculture Series: Organic Autonomous Weed Management

Transitioning to Organic Production

This webinar will explore the challenges producers face when transitioning part or all of their operation to organic certification. Case studies will be used to profile and discuss different producer groups that are successful in the transition from conventional production to organic. This presentation will introduce participants to Making the Transition to Organic: Ten Farmer… Continue reading Transitioning to Organic Production

Transitioning Small Grain Production to Organic

Grain farmers consider trying organic production for a variety of reasons, including economics and personal philosophy. Using several case studies of organic grain farms in the Pacific Northwest, in this webinar we will discuss possible transitions to organic farming. Management practices include crop rotation, soil fertility, and weed management. The webinar will also introduce a… Continue reading Transitioning Small Grain Production to Organic

Considerations for Transitioning Perennial Production to Organic

Organic fruit production is increasing and more producers are considering the transition to organic. This webinar will explore the challenges and opportunities specific to transitioning perennial systems to organic certification. Note: Market analysis presented is not current as of today.

Insights from an Organic Certifier

This webinar will briefly discuss the process of organic certification including the on-farm inspection. The presenter will describe key issues and concerns that are examined in the inspection and review process. The presentation will include a discussion of common mistakes and anecdotal stories to highlight certifier concerns. Certification requirements related to conservation, such as erosion,… Continue reading Insights from an Organic Certifier

Reduced Tillage in Organic Vegetable Production

This video is intended for organic vegetable producers and agricultural professionals, especially in the maritime northwest. Techniques and findings from recent research are shared to assist producers in trialing reduced tillage systems. The video covers the concept of reduced tillage organic agriculture, cover crop and weed management, and specialized equipment.

Integrate Livestock into Your Veggie Crops

This question-and-answer session is a follow-up to a webinar NCAT hosted about integrated crop-livestock systems. Such systems may provide sustainable alternatives to terminate cover crops, reduce fertilizer, and improve the water cycle. Featured in this session are Montana specialty crop farmer Leon Stangl, Montana State University (MSU) research associate Devon Ragen, and MSU graduate student… Continue reading Integrate Livestock into Your Veggie Crops