A slide deck presentation about the organic certification process.
Type: Topic Briefs
Managing Soil Biology for Organic Farming
Soil Balancing Basics for Organic Farming
Soil and Plant Testing Basics for Organic Farming
Using Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Crops and Livestock in the Local Food System
The local food system is one of the fastest-growing markets in agriculture. Learn more about using organic agriculture and sustainable crops and livestock in local food systems.
Organic Apple Production in Iowa
New and experienced organic apple growers will find recommendations in this guide for managing insect pests, diseases, and weeds.
Adapting Enterprise Budgets for Organic Crops
Deciding what organic products to grow and how to price them is difficult, particularly when markets often are not well established. This publication discusses how to adapt enterprise budgets to organic crops in order to better ensure a producer earns a profit from their crop.
Organic Crop Production Enterprise Budgets
An enterprise budget is an estimate of the costs and returns to produce a product. This publication looks at enterprise budgets for organic growers, reflecting a four-year rotation using corn, soybeans, oats with alfalfa and a second year of alfalfa
Evaluating Organic Transitions at the Field Level
This publication provides information on making plans to transition to organic crop production. It helps outline the need for a transition crop plan, the importance of individual crop budgets, and evaluating results.
Making the Transition from Conventional to Organic
Farming organically allows producers to incur many economic and social advantages compared to farming conventionally. Understanding and planning the economic returns of the transition process can aid the producer in planning and in becoming organically certified.