Organic Pumpkin and Winter Squash Marketing and Production

This publication is an overview of organic production and marketing of the cucurbits (Cucurbitaceae family) commonly known as “pumpkins” or classified as “winter squash.” Production includes planting and soil management, weed control, and management of insect pests and diseases, as well as post-harvest protocols. Marketing looks at culinary varieties and varieties sold as ornamentals. A… Continue reading Organic Pumpkin and Winter Squash Marketing and Production

Organic Crop Production Overview

This publication provides an overview of the key concepts and practices of certified organic crop production. It also presents perspectives on many of the notions, myths, and issues that have become associated with organic agriculture over time. A guide to useful ATTRA resources and to several non-ATTRA publications is provided.

Pressure-Treated Wood: Organic and Natural Alternatives

This publication provides an overview of the key concepts and practices of certified organic crop production. It also presents perspectives on many of the notions, myths, and issues that have become associated with organic agriculture over time. A guide to useful ATTRA resources and to several non-ATTRA publications is provided.

Quick Start Guide: Organic Livestock Feed and Nutrition

Need a quick reference guide for how to get started with understanding organic rules for livestock feed, supplements and nutrition? Oregon Tilth’s condensed Quick Start Guide series is designed to answer your big questions quickly, give examples and point to helpful tools to get started

Guide for Organic Crop Producers

New farmers, and farmers experienced in conventional agriculture, often find that obtaining organic certification for their crops is quite challenging. This guide is intended to help lead farmers through the organic certification process. Chapters 1 through 4 explain the National Organic Program (NOP) and describe the process of organic certification. Later chapters explain specific USDA… Continue reading Guide for Organic Crop Producers

A Guide for Organic Processors

This publication is intended primarily as a guide for farmers who wish to add value to their organic crops through processing. It does not include the farm practices that are required to grow organic crops, raise organic livestock, or obtain organic certification for a farm. Information on those topics can be found in other ATTRA… Continue reading A Guide for Organic Processors