Crop Planning

Seasoned farmer Abeni Ramsey, of City Girl Farm, discusses how to assess climate, site conditions (including topography & soil types & drainage), calculating bed length, and yield per sq foot; and seasonality – understanding what you can plant when.

Safe and Effective Use of OMRI-Listed Pesticides

Ethan Grundberg, (Cornell’s Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture Program), presented best practices, explained the USDA National Organic Program and Organic Materials Review Institute, and provided an overview of commonly used applications including Bacillus thuringiensis, neem, pyrethrins, and spinosads. This is the second slideshow presented in the Organic Pesticide Basics / Fundamentos de los Pesticidas Orgánicos… Continue reading Safe and Effective Use of OMRI-Listed Pesticides

Organic Pesticide Basics

In this introductory presentation, Raul E. Lemus-Garza (Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County), lays out key terminology, pesticide classification, and labeling. This is the first slideshow presented in the webinar recording of Organic Pesticide Basics / Fundamentos de los Pesticidas Orgánicos.

PSU Extension: History and Evolution of Organic Pest Management

This Spanish-language presentation by Maria Gorgo-Simcox of Penn State Extension covers the history and evolution of Integrated Pest Management including the concept of bioaccumulation. Gorgo-Simcox defines the “pest” in IPM before discussing the various cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical controls that are in an organic growers toolbox for managing those pests.