Organic Sound and Sensible Resources: Understanding the Rules, Certification, and Inspections

USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) has put together a resource hub of guides, videos, and other tools that help farms and businesses understand the USDA organic standards, certification process, and inspections in more depth. In this hub of resources is the Sound and Sensible resources, a series of short videos that help to explain the… Continue reading Organic Sound and Sensible Resources: Understanding the Rules, Certification, and Inspections

The Road to Organic Certification: Interactive Video

This interactive, choose-your-own-adventure style video puts viewers in the shoes of two farmers—Bruce, an established fourth-generation wholesale farmer; and Candace, a newer, direct-market farmer who uses sustainable practices—as they consider organic certification. Viewers make decisions with Candace and Bruce as they learn about applications, organic system plans, and the roles and relationships of certifiers, inspectors,… Continue reading The Road to Organic Certification: Interactive Video

Evaluating Organic Transitions at the Field Level

This publication provides information on making plans to transition to organic crop production. It helps outline the need for a transition crop plan, the importance of individual crop budgets, and evaluating results.

Making the Transition from Conventional to Organic

Farming organically allows producers to incur many economic and social advantages compared to farming conventionally. Understanding and planning the economic returns of the transition process can aid the producer in planning and in becoming organically certified.

Organic Transition: A Business Planner for Farmers, Ranchers, and Food Entrepreneurs

If you are interested in transitioning, Organic Transition: A Business Planner for Farmers, Ranchers and Food Entrepreneurs is the perfect tool to help. The Organic Transition Planner will walk you through the development of an actionable business transition plan that is suitable for yourself, your management team or a lender. While not a comprehensive guide… Continue reading Organic Transition: A Business Planner for Farmers, Ranchers, and Food Entrepreneurs

Transitioning to Organic Production

This webinar will explore the challenges producers face when transitioning part or all of their operation to organic certification. Case studies will be used to profile and discuss different producer groups that are successful in the transition from conventional production to organic. This presentation will introduce participants to Making the Transition to Organic: Ten Farmer… Continue reading Transitioning to Organic Production