Organic Management of Flea Beetles

Flea beetles are common garden pests found throughout the Pacific Northwest. Flea beetle feeding on plants in the Brassicaceae and Solanaceae families can scar foliage and potato tubers, leading to reduced marketable yields and potential total crop loss. This publication introduces growers to current organic management options, including cultural control techniques such as trap crops,… Continue reading Organic Management of Flea Beetles

Preventative Practices

Managing weed, insect and disease pests on an organic farm requires addressing potential problems before they arise. Learn more about preventative practices and their role in the organic certification process.

Organic Alternatives for Late Blight Control in Potatoes

New strains of late blight have emerged in recent years, making potato production especially challenging. Several nonchemical options are available for managing this disease, including cultural practices, some varietal resistance, and alternative sprays that discourage disease development.

Disease and Insect Management in Organic Small Grains

This publication introduces the multifaceted comprehensive strategy of weed management used for organic small grain production, combining techniques including crop rotation, sanitation, cultural practices, variety and seed selection and planting, cover crops, tillage, use of organic herbicides, and others.

Weed Management in Organic Small Grains

This publication introduces the multifaceted comprehensive strategy of weed management used for organic small grain production, combining techniques including crop rotation, sanitation, cultural practices, variety and seed selection and planting, cover crops, tillage, use of organic herbicides, and others.

Companion Planting and Botanical Pesticides: Concepts and Resources

Certain plants can benefit others when planted in close proximity or used as botanical pesticides. This publication discusses the scientific and traditional basis for companion planting associations including trap cropping, weed suppression, physical-spatial interactions, and other relationships. It provides a companion planting chart for common herbs, vegetables, and flowers, as well as a listing of… Continue reading Companion Planting and Botanical Pesticides: Concepts and Resources

Cucumber Beetles: Organic and Biorational Integrated Pest Management

Cucumber beetles are present throughout the United States and cause serious damage to cucurbit crops. Overwintering adult insects cause feeding damage on young plants, larvae in the soil feed on plant roots and second-generation adults cause feeding damage on plant leaves, blossoms and fruits. Adult insects transmit bacterial wilt and squash mosaic virus. Organic and… Continue reading Cucumber Beetles: Organic and Biorational Integrated Pest Management

Flea Beetle: Organic Control Options

This publication focuses on organic control of flea beetles, one of the more serious vegetable crop pests. Cultural and biological options are discussed along with alternative pesticidal materials.