Organic Agriculture Series: Organic Autonomous Weed Management

In this webinar video Dr. Bo Melander joins Dr. Kathleen Delate to discuss organic autonomous weed management with a focus on full-width cultivation, inter-row cultivation and intra-row cultivation and the advances we’ve made in each of them. He discusses different machinery such as the Treffler weed harrow, the OptiWeeder, and discusses some of these advances… Continue reading Organic Agriculture Series: Organic Autonomous Weed Management

Organic Apple Production in Iowa

New and experienced organic apple growers will find recommendations in this guide for managing insect pests, diseases, and weeds.

Weed Management for Organic Farmers

Organic farmers use a wide variety of tools and strategies to control weeds without synthetic chemicals. Those tools and strategies and their effects on soil quality are discussed.

Organic No-Till Production

Reduced tillage or no-till can provide multiple environmental benefits, particularly in the area of soil health, as well as reducing machinery, labor and fuel costs. With organic no-till, herbicides cannot be used to terminate cover crops, as is practiced in conventional no-till. Iowa State University has worked with the Rodale Institute (RI) in conducting research… Continue reading Organic No-Till Production

Growing Organic Vegetables in Iowa

Organic production and consumption has increased over the past 20 years. Learn how to raise organic vegetables – including strategies for composting, pest management, and disease management.

Organic Materials Review Institute

The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) supports organic integrity by developing clear information and guidance about materials, so that producers know which products are appropriate for organic operations. OMRI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides an independent review of products, such as fertilizers, pest controls, livestock health care products, and numerous other inputs that… Continue reading Organic Materials Review Institute

Organic Management of Flea Beetles

Flea beetles are common garden pests found throughout the Pacific Northwest. Flea beetle feeding on plants in the Brassicaceae and Solanaceae families can scar foliage and potato tubers, leading to reduced marketable yields and potential total crop loss. This publication introduces growers to current organic management options, including cultural control techniques such as trap crops,… Continue reading Organic Management of Flea Beetles