Wyoming farmers are well suited to produce small grain crops and already grow 250,000 acres of wheat, oats, and barley. Ancient wheats (einkorn, emmer, and spelt) are alternative crops that can be grown with existing equipment and fit well into current crop rotations. These grains are taller than modern varieties with more robust roots and… Continue reading Growing Einkorn, Emmer, and Spelt in Wyoming
Resources Category: Dyland Farming
Organic Small Grain Production in the Inland Pacific Northwest: A Collection of Case Studies
Organic farming can be a challenge anywhere, but the obstacles encountered by Inland Pacific Northwest organic small grain farmers are unique. Their options for managing weeds and soil nutrients are few, and the limitations of the regional climate don’t make things much easier. Nonetheless, organic small grain farmers are out there, and a few are… Continue reading Organic Small Grain Production in the Inland Pacific Northwest: A Collection of Case Studies