April 24, 2024
10:00 am
April 24, 2024
11:30 am
UMass Extension
There are points of both overlap and tension for farms trying to meet organic and food safety standards. In this workshop, we’ll cover the principles and requirements of both and the ways that growers can meet them effectively and streamline their efforts as much as possible. Topics will include selecting and handling soil amendments, agricultural water management, and recordkeeping.
Presenter: Lisa grew up in Worcester, Ma and studied biology at the University of California – Santa Cruz. After college, she worked for several years as a Research Technician doing basic medical research in the field of Immunology. More interested in the bigger picture, and in being outdoors, she began working on small farms in Iowa and in Massachusetts. Since 2013, Lisa has been an Educator with the UMass Extension Vegetable Program. She works with commercial vegetable growers throughout Massachusetts on topics such as Integrated Pest Management and Produce Safety. She is a co-editor and contributor to UMass Extension’s Vegetable Notes newsletter and the New England Vegetable Management Guide. She holds a Master’s Degree in Food and Agriculture Law and Policy from the Vermont Law and Graduate School.
Space is limited for in-person attendance, so the event will also be livestreamed via Zoom. Please let us know if you need to cancel your in-person registration for any reason.