Transition to Organic Production Seminar

March 19, 2024
8:00 am
March 19, 2024
2:00 pm
Chesapeake College – Eastern Shore Higher Education Center: Wye Mills, MD
University of Maryland Extension

Are you contemplating a transition to organic production, currently undergoing the transition process, or just curious about organic farming? The University of Maryland Extension invites you to register for this half-day seminar from 8 am to 2 pm. The agenda for the day includes presentations by Klaas Martens, Chris Johnson and Brian Kalmbach covering key topics such as the direction and future of organic production, insights into organic grain markets, and navigating certification, regulations, and requirements. Additionally, there will be a farmer roundtable discussion featuring panelists representing various aspects of organic farming, including grain, vegetable, animal, and research. Light breakfast refreshments and lunch will be served.
