The Ins and Outs of Grass-Fed Organic Dairy Production with Phil Forbes

Central Daylight Time
August 15, 2024
9:00 am
August 15, 2024
1:00 pm
Kalona Historical Village, Kalona, IA
Iowa Organic Association (IOA)
13056, 13056, GrassFedDairy – Pavla DeFrancisco, GrassFedDairy-Pavla-DeFrancisco.jpg, 414818,,, , 6, , , grassfeddairy-pavla-defrancisco, inherit, 13055, 2024-06-05 16:45:02, 2024-06-05 16:45:02, 0, image/jpeg, image, jpeg,, 1200, 628, Array

We’re back at Kalona SuperNatural as Phil Forbes, Farm Liason, takes us on a tour of two dairy farms that produce organic milk for Kalona SuperNatural.

Our farm tour will include visits to Howard Nisley’s organic dairy and Milford Ropp’s organic grass-fed dairy. At each farm we will learn about their organic production models, herd health protocols, cow grazing and feeding, and how Kalona SuperNatural works with their small(er)-scale farmers to succeed in the dairy industry. If you are interested in organic dairy production, grazing, cow health, and even organic markets this will be a great field day to attend!
