Texas TOPP News October 2023

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October 2023


handlers to know we are serious about organic and
developing the future of agriculture in Texas.

Shouting from the rooftops at AgriLife Organics
TEXAS TOPP has officially arrived! Texas TOPP may
be a new program at AgriLife, but this train is ready
to leave the station. TOPP (Transition to Organic
Partnership Program) is designed to connect
transitioning farmers with mentors, technical
assistance, workforce development, and farm
training and education. With that being said let’s
introduce you to the faces behind Texas TOPP.

Hi everyone! I’m Timber Darnell, the new
Extension Organic Coordinator. I am so excited to
start this new journey.
I am a Wyoming native but transplanted myself
to Texas shortly after high school to compete on a
rodeo scholarship. I received my bachelor’s degree
studying Animal Science with a minor in Equine
Science in 2021. I am a recent graduate from
Tarleton State University with a master’s in
agriculture Consumer Resources with an emphasis
in Leadership. Through the Leadership program I
helped lead the local and state FFA Dairy Contest.
As well as organize my own business and
mentorship program called Faster Feet Faster
Hands. Teaching ages 7-17 on how to goat tie.
Organics may be a new thing for me to wrangle,
but at a young age I learned “a little dirt never hurt”
and “hard work goes a long way”. So here I am
ready to Grow Organic with you!


Bob Whitney, Regents Fellow & Extension Organic Specialist • bob.whitney@ag.tamu.edu • (979) 571-2086 cell
Timber Darnell, Extension Organic Coordinator • timber.darnell@ag.tamu.edu • (254) 974-9444


The Organic Transition Initiative is a new, multiagency USDA effort aimed to ensure that farmers
transitioning to organic have maximum support to
navigate organic transition.
TOPP is a program administered by
the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service
(AMS). Through TOPP, CCOF leads the
Western Regional Center for Organic
Transition working to provide producers
in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada,
New Mexico, Utah, and Texas a
foundation for organic farming!
CCOF holds a 5-year cooperative agreement with
the USDA NOP to lead the Western Regional Center
for Organic Transition. Texas TOPP is a partner with
CCOF. Texas TOPP is led by Texas A&M AgriLife
Extension and the overall AgriLife Organic program.
Texas TOPP will provide resources to better develop
tools organic transition farmers need. Texas TOPP is
dedicated and focused to help not only transitioning
farmers, but current certified organic farmers and

Timber Darnell
Extension Organic Coordinator


The Organic Transition Initiative

October 2023

Learn more by clicking here
We are excited to announce the launch of our

It’s More Than a Label – It’s the

Did you know that any agricultural product sold,
labeled, or advertised as organic in the United
States must be produced in compliance under the
USDA organic seal. This is the official mark
protected by federal regulation and overseen by the
National Organic Program (NOP). As of March 19,
2024, Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) will
enforce one of the biggest regulation changes
requiring any operation that buys, sells, or
facilitates the sale of organic goods to be certified.

Come Grow Organic with US!
The organic movement in Texas has been growing
at an unprecedented rate, and there’s no better
time to be a part of it. Whether you’re just starting
out or well into organic transition, there are a
wealth of opportunities for you to Come Grow
Organic with Texas TOPP.

Bob Whitney, Regents Fellow & Extension Organic Specialist • bob.whitney@ag.tamu.edu • (979) 571-2086 cell
Timber Darnell, Extension Organic Coordinator • timber.darnell@ag.tamu.edu • (254) 974-9444


Our mentorship program connects producers
transitioning to organic with experienced organic
farmers who serve as mentors. These mentors will
help guide transitioning producers through the
certification process and offer insight into their
journey of organic farming.
Mentees: Mentees are transitioning producers
who are looking to enter the organic farming space.
To be eligible you must either own or be employed
by an existing agricultural operation. Mentees will
receive a $500 stipend for travel and educational
purposes, which can help cover costs associated
with learning and travel expenses. To enroll call or
email Timber. Organic Mentors: Mentors are
experienced individuals who will guide and support
the transitioning producers on their journey to
organic farming. They will provide valuable insights,
practical advice, and industry best practices. It’s a
critical role in helping new organic producers
succeed and contribute to the growth of the organic
farming movement. Organic Mentors will receive a
stipend of $3,000 for each mentorship year.
Organic Mentors will benefit from professional
development opportunities. This includes training in
various areas such as professional and interpersonal
skills, organic regulations, organic production
practices, teaching, and facilitation skills. This
training enhances their ability to effectively mentor
and support transitioning producers.


We Are Seeking Mentor’s and
Mentee’s for Our Mentorship

new Texas TOPP website just for you!
I have been
working hard the
last couple of
weeks to create
this website for
anyone who wants
to transition to
Texas Organics.
This website is
also an excellent resource for farmers who are
interested in organic news, upcoming events, and
mentorship programs.
The website also provides information on
upcoming events. This will keep you up to date on
all the latest events such as field days, conferences,
meetings in Texas organics and more! It’s a great
way to stay informed and get connected!