Skills for Successful Mentoring Guide

A helpful guide that outlines the skills for successful mentoring, for both mentors and mentees.
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Competencies of
Outstanding Mentors
and Mentees
by Linda
Linda Phillips-Jones,
Phillips-Jones, Ph.D.

###  CCC502-02

© 2003 by Linda Phillips-Jones, Ph.D.
Author, The New Mentors and Proteges


processes can be learned, and relationships can
be better––more enjoyable, productive, and
even time-efficient––as a result.

ffective mentoring requires more than
common sense. Research indicates that
mentors and mentees who develop and
manage successful mentoring partnerships
demonstrate a number of specific, identifiable
skills that enable learning and change to take
place. This strategy booklet describes these
skills and provides a tool for you to assess
yourself informally on each skill.

Additional research by The Mentoring Group
revealed that unless a fairly structured process
and specific skills are applied, mediocre
mentoring relationships occur. Not much
happens, and participants become frustrated
with their well-intended but haphazard efforts.
Worse, disappointed participants become
convinced that mentoring doesn’t work.

The Identification of Mentoring Skills
For years, individuals assumed that the
process of mentoring was somewhat mysterious. These relationships just happened, and
“chemistry” had to be present. It was impossible (even somewhat sacrilegious) to analyze
and describe the specifics of what was going
on in these arrangements. Analyzing and putting
names to behaviors would theoretically kill them.

On the positive side, when individuals use
these skills and add structure, important,
satisfying changes take place in the lives of both
mentees and mentors.
A skill is a learned, observable behavior you
perform that indicates (to someone else) how
well you can do something. The set of skills
described here constitutes your overall ability
to mentor and be mentored.

Some people were able to find mentoring
relationships, while many individuals were
unaware of how to get started with mentoring
and missed out on one of the most powerful
development strategies ever devised.

If you possess these skills to an adequate
quality level––and if you use them as frequently
as called for—your chances of having mutually
satisfying and productive mentoring relationships will be greatly enhanced. The model on
the next page illustrates the shared core skills
used by both mentors and mentees and the
unique skills needed by each group.

Linda Phillips-Jones (1977) studied hundreds of mentor-mentee partnerships as well
as individuals unable to identify any mentors in
their lives. The conclusion: mentoring was much
more examinable and yet more complex than
first thought.

To help you be a more skilled mentor and
mentee, look at the model, review the descriptions of these mentoring skills and the
behaviors that make up each one, and start
using the skills with the people in your life.

On the “demystifying” side, Phillips-Jones
discovered that effective mentors and mentees
use specific processes and skills throughout
their relationships. Further, the skills and











Identifying Goals

& Current Reality

Core Mentoring Skills



• use appropriate nonverbal language

such as looking directly into people’s
eyes, nodding your head, leaning
slightly toward them, frowning, or
smiling where appropriate;

Both mentors and mentees should utilize the
following core skills in their mentoring partnerships.

• avoid interrupting mentors and

1. Listening Actively

mentees while they’re talking;

Active listening is the most basic mentoring
skill; the other skills build on—and require—it.
When you listen well, you demonstrate to your
mentors and mentees that their concerns have
been heard and understood. As a result, they
feel accepted by you, and trust builds. The way
you indicate you’re listening intently is by
performing several observable behaviors. For
example, if you’re an excellent listener, you:

• remember and show interest in

things they’ve said in the past (“By
the way, how did the meeting with
your manager go?”); and
• summarize the key elements of what

each of you said.
Resist the impulse always to turn the conversation to your experiences and opinions and
to find immediate solutions to problems you may
be hearing. Listen carefully first; problem solve
much later. If your mentors and mentees have
a habit of immediate problem solving, see if you
can help them be better listeners and problem

• appear genuinely interested by mak-

ing encouraging responses such as
“Hmmm . . .” and “Interesting . . .” or
sometimes reflecting back (paraphrasing) certain comments to show
you’ve grasped the meaning and
feelings behind the message;


2. Building Trust

When was the last time you received too
much praise? If never, you’re not alone. Effective
mentors encourage their mentees, which in turn
helps increase the mentees’ confidence and
enables them to develop.

The more that your mentors and mentees
trust you, the more committed they’ll be to your
partnerships with them, and the more effective
you’ll be. This trust develops over time—if your
mentors and mentees observe certain
appropriate behaviors on your part. To become
trustable, you must:

At the same time, successful mentees
make a point of positively reinforcing their
mentors, which serves to keep the mentors
focused and motivated. Provide genuine,
positive feedback to your mentors and mentees
on a regular basis.

• keep confidences shared by your

mentors and mentees;
• spend appropriate time together;

While there are many ways to encourage,
and mentors and mentees can differ in the types
and amounts of encouragement they like, you

• follow through on your promises to

• respect your mentors’ and mentees’

• compliment your mentoring partners


on accomplishments and actions;
• admit your errors and take responsi-

bility for correcting them; and

• point out positive traits (such as per-

severance and integrity) in addition to
their performance and accomplishments;

• tactfully tell your partners if and why

you disagree or are dissatisfied with
something so they’ll know you’re
honest with them.

• praise them privately, one-on-one;

Particularly with cross-difference (e.g.,
gender, culture, style, age) mentoring, trustbuilding is crucial and has to be developed over

• commend them in front of other people

(being sensitive to any cultural and
style preferences regarding public

3. Encouraging

• express thanks and appreciation;

According to Phillips-Jones’ research, the
most valued mentoring skill is giving encouragement. This includes giving your mentoring
partners recognition and sincere positive verbal feedback.

• write encouraging memos or e-mail

and leave complimentary voice mail;
• let them know how you use any help

they give you.

Mentors and mentees at several Fortune 500
companies revealed in interviews that positive
verbal reinforcement—praise—was rare and
even publicly discounted in their organizations. However, most admitted enjoying being
recognized for accomplishments and abilities
and receiving positive feedback—provided
such attention was sincere and not overdone.
Interviewees said they wished such behaviors
were a greater part of their organizational cultures.

Be certain that your praise and encouragement are sincere. In mentoring, err in the
direction of too much praise, rather than too little.
Some human development experts recommend
a ratio of four or five praises for every corrective


4. Identifying Goals and Current

One effective individual, a former engineer
who was currently a division manager (and a
mentee in two mentoring partnerships), demonstrated her skill of identifying goals and current reality by writing this:

Whether you’re a mentor or mentee, you
should have a personal vision, specific goals,
and a good grasp of current reality. As a mentor,
be clear on and talk to your mentees about their
visions, dreams, and career/life goals. They’ll
be interested in your current reality (your view
of your strengths and limitations as well as the
current reality of situations within your
organization) and want help recognizing theirs
as well.

“My long-range goal is to be a general manager or vice president within ten years. My
technical skills as an engineer and my skills
(as an operations manager) are strong. I now
manage 75 men and women. I’m weaker in
sales and marketing.”
“I expect to reach my goal by continuing to
build our business, gaining some strong marketing and sales OJT in a temporary lateral
assignment, getting coaching from my two—
and probably future—mentors, providing formal mentoring to at least one promising individual a year, and hopefully, running one of our
factories in about five years. My back-up goal
is to leave and start my own company.”

As a mentee, you also need this skill. Before asking for help, you should know your
tentative goals, strengths, what development
you need, and the specific assistance you’d like.
You should discuss these with your mentors.
The more aware you are of these, and the more
accurately you can convey them to potential
helpers, the more likely they’ll be to assist your
next steps. To demonstrate this mentoring skill:

Model this skill by continually working on your
own goals. Show your mentors and mentees
how to take a less than ideal current reality and
pull that reality toward their goals.

• know what’s important to you, what

you value and desire most;

Critical Skills for Mentors

• recognize areas in which you’re able to

perform well, very concrete examples
of behaviors you can perform at the
good-to-excellent level;

In addition to the core mentoring skills
described above, mentors use several specific
competencies in an attempt to help mentees

• identify specific weaknesses or growth

areas observed in yourself and ones
noted by others;

1. Instructing/Developing Capabilities

• set tentative one- to five-year goals to

Probably all mentors do some teaching or
instructing as part of their mentoring. The skill
is especially important in formal mentoring. This
seldom means that you’ll give formal speeches
and lectures. Instead, your instructing will usually
be more informal—from modeling specific
behaviors to conveying ideas and processes
one-on-one, in a tutoring mode. You’ll:

reach in your personal life and career;
• describe accurately the reality of your

abilities and situations.
Effective mentors and mentees are constantly fine-tuning this self-knowledge, incorporating new feedback and observations on a
regular basis. Peter M. Senge, in The Fifth
Discipline, mentions these skills as part of
“personal mastery,” which he calls a journey,
not a destination.

• be a “learning broker” as you assist

your mentees in finding resources
such as people, books, software,
websites, and other information


• teach your mentees new knowledge,

• help them recognize inspiring actions

skills, and attitudes by explaining,
giving effective examples, and asking
thought-provoking questions;

they took in the past and ways to excel
It’s always tempting to tell mentees what to
do and, in fact, to have them follow in your
footsteps. Your challenge as a mentor is to
ensure that your mentees identify and pursue
their own form of greatness, not necessarily

• help your mentees gain broader per-

spectives of their organizations including history, values, culture, and politics;
• demonstrate or model effective beha-

viors, pointing out what you’re trying to
do; and

Some outstanding mentors use language—
stories, metaphors, and powerful phrases—to
inspire their mentees. Is this a mentoring behavior you could hone during the coming

• help them monitor performance and

refocus steps as needed.
A key part of your instruction is teaching the
mentoring process. You can do this by making
process comments—pointing out, naming, and
otherwise getting your mentees to recognize
which aspect of mentoring you’re doing at the
time—and why.

3. Providing Corrective Feedback
In addition to giving frequent and sincere
positive feedback, effective mentors should also
be willing and able to give mentees corrective

Whoever cares to learn will always find a
— German proverb

When you observe your mentees making
mistakes or performing in less than desirable
ways, you should be direct with your mentees,
letting them know what you perceive and
providing some better ways for handling the
situations. It will probably be better for them to
hear it from you than from others. This is an
aspect of the mentor’s protection skill, Managing
Risks, described later.

2. Inspiring
One skill that separates superb mentors
from very good ones is an ability to inspire their
mentees to greatness. By setting an example
yourself and helping your mentees experience
other inspirational people and situations, you can
help them onto future paths that excite and
motivate––even beyond their original dreams.
Mentors vary in their ability to be inspiring. See if
you can:

One of the first things you can discuss with
your mentees is if and how they’d like to receive
this feedback. People are more willing to hear
corrective feedback if they’ve given permission
and know in advance it’s coming. At the same
time, you’ll be more likely to give feedback if
you’re invited to do so. Attempt to:

• do inspiring actions yourself which

challenge your mentees to improve;
• help them observe others who are

• use positive, non-derogatory,


business-like words and tone of voice
with mentees when their behaviors or
products aren’t satisfactory;

• arrange other inspirational experiences

for them;
• give corrective feedback in private;
• challenge them to rise above the mun-

dane and do important things in life;

• give the feedback as soon as feasible

after the performance;

• give specific (as opposed to vague)

Business Risks

feedback on behaviors; and

Dealing incorrectly with customers
Missing deadlines
Underestimating project costs
Doing something unethical
Compromising on quality

• offer useful suggestions for them to try

next time, offering to be a resource
when that time occurs.
Use the Encouraging skill much more often
than the skill of Providing Corrective Feedback.

Career Risks
Offending certain people
Taking the wrong position
Staying in a job too long
Not being able to sell others on one’s
own ideas
Failing to learn and improve

4. Managing Risks
Another distinguishing characteristic of
effective mentors is their willingness and ability to protect their mentees from disasters. One
of your tasks is to prevent your mentees from
making unnecessary mistakes as they learn to
take appropriate risks. This skill of Managing
Risks builds closely on the core skill of Building
Trust, identified earlier. Some refer to this riskmanagement process as helping mentees “step
out on the branch, then fly when ready.” You’ll:

Some of these risks your mentees will recognize, and others only you—with your wisdom
and experience—recognize. Still other challenges will seem more risky to your mentees
than they really are. Offer to help your mentees identify and determine how to handle
these risks with recognition, prevention, and
recovery strategies.

• help your mentees recognize the risks

5. Opening Doors

involved in actions and projects,
including some risks (and mistakes)
you’ve experienced;

Mentors are usually in a position to provide
visibility for their mentees. This means opening
the right doors that allow them to meet people
and to demonstrate to different audiences what
they can do. Research has shown that when
mentors vouch for mentees in this way, their
work is much more likely to be well received. To
open doors, you’ll:

• make suggestions to help them avoid

major mistakes (business, career,
financial, personal, and other) in
judgment or action;
• help them learn to prepare well, get

wise counsel, then trust their own
decisions and actions; and

• put in a good word to people who
• if requested in difficult situations,

could help your mentees reach
desired goals;

intervene as your mentees’ advocate
with others.

• personally introduce your mentees to

Mentees and mentors in many corporations
have identified Managing Risks as an increasingly important mentoring skill.

appropriate contacts;
• make certain your mentees’ abilities

are noticed by others;
Typical Risks

• give your mentees assignments or

Your mentees probably face business risks
and career risks, potential danger zones in
which they could make large errors and possibly jeopardize their positions, careers, or
organizations. Here are some examples:

opportunities that enable them to
interact with important colleagues,
suppliers, or customers; and


• suggest other resources for your

• negotiate the mentoring arrangements

mentees to pursue.

with your mentors, including agreements on goals, expectations, length
of the relationships, confidentiality,
feedback processes, and meeting

You’ll probably open doors for your mentees
only when you believe they’re ready to go through
them. Since your reputation may be affected by
your doing this, you’ll first want to see your
mentees as capable and trustworthy. Explain
this process to your mentees as part of the
development effort.

For detailed tips on acquiring appropriate
mentors, see Strategies for Getting the
Mentoring You Need. For more ideas on career
self-reliance, read the excellent book, We Are
All Self-Employed, by Cliff Hakim. (Both are
listed in Resources.)

One mentee raved about how his mentor
opened numerous doors for him. The mentor
took him to two key meetings, allowed him to
co-author (with the mentor) several papers, set
up an opportunity for the mentee to make a
very visible oral presentation to a group of
decision makers, and nominated him for a
highly competitive leadership development program within the organization.

2. Learning Quickly
Mentors enjoy working with mentees who
learn quickly and take seriously any efforts to
teach them. Typically, your mentors want you to
be a “quick study.” You should work hard at
directly and indirectly learning everything you can
as rapidly as possible. Try to:

Critical Skills for Mentees

• apply the knowledge and skills pre-

In addition to the core skills described earlier,
mentees need to be competent in several areas.

sented to you, and be ready to tell your
mentors how you applied them;

1. Acquiring Mentors

• observe carefully and learn indirectly

from the modeled actions of your
mentors and others;

Becoming a successful mentee isn’t a
passive experience. In the spirit of career selfreliance, you should be very active in selecting
and negotiating with several mentors who can
help you succeed. Good mentors now have a
wide choice of potential mentees, so you must
skillfully handle the acquisition process. For
example, be able to:

• study materials (those given by your

mentors and materials you seek out)
related to your development areas;
• integrate new things you learn into your

own conceptual framework for problem solving; and

• identify a desirable pool of individuals

• receive feedback nondefensively. (You

who potentially can provide you with

should ask for specifics and be
appreciative of the feedback. If your
mentors have misperceived a fact,
diplomatically tell them.)

• actively search for several mentors;
• “sell” potential helpers on the idea of

As your mentoring relationships proceed
and mature, you’ll probably have ample opportunities to debate and disagree with your
mentors. In the beginning, you should display a
strong learning attitude, be willing to consider
new ideas, and show an openness to be proven

providing mentoring to you (in addition
to—or as opposed to—others they
might help);
• convey your specific needs and goals

to prospective mentors; and


• take informed risks (stretch beyond
Unclear about how to become a “quick
study”? Try what one dedicated mentee did.
She earned a degree in education and English
then decided to go back to college and enter
pre-med. The math, physics, and chemistry
were daunting—her weakest areas by far. Not
wanting to fail, she spent at least eight hours
every day reading chapters, re-reading and
marking them with a yellow highlighter, typing
outlines of the chapters, and studying them
alone and with study partners. At least two
additional hours each day she found an empty
classroom and wrote and rewrote math, chemistry, and physics formulas on chalkboards
until she could recite them in her sleep.

your usual comfort level) in order to
acquire new knowledge, skills, and
attitudes; and
• go beyond what your mentors suggest;

that is, take their ideas and show
creative or ambitious ways of using
Mentors vary in the amounts and timing of
initiative they like from their mentees. Discuss
this early in your relationships to establish
preferences and expectations and to negotiate
arrangements that work for all.

A quick study? No, a slow study at first. But
eventually she got it—and her 4.0. How committed do you think her professor mentors
were to her success?

4. Following Through
These days, it’s a mentors’ market. Mentees
who don’t follow through on tasks and commitments are often dropped and replaced with
mentees who do. To demonstrate this skill:

3. Showing Initiative
The newest approach to mentoring encourages the mentees to manage the relationships and show considerable initiative (see
the skill, Managing the Relationship, on the next
page). Even with this new trend, some mentors
will attempt to lead the relationships and expect
you to follow. Others will expect you to drive the
process from the beginning.

• keep all agreements made with your

• complete agreed-upon tasks on time;
• try out their suggestions and report

back the results;
• explain in advance if you want to

Either way, they’ll expect you to show the
right amount of initiative. They’ll observe the
things you do on your own to develop. At times,
most mentors will expect some following from
you, particularly when your activities could have
ramifications for them (e.g., approaching one of
their valued contacts). As an effective mentee,

change or break an agreement; and
• persist with difficult tasks even when

you’re discouraged.
An informal poll of mentors by Phillips-Jones
revealed that several were frustrated with
mentees who failed to follow through on agreedupon tasks. Some mentors even refused to
enter new mentoring partnerships. They
concluded that they were working harder on
their mentees’ lives than the mentees were
doing for themselves!

• know when and when not to show

• ask appropriate questions to clarify

and get more information;
• pursue useful resources on your own;


5. Managing the Relationship

• prepare for the end of your mentoring

relationships; and
Even when your mentors try to take a strong
lead, you’re the one who should manage the
relationships. It’s your development, and you
must take responsibility for its process and
outcomes. To go through this journey, you can:

• leave the formal relationships on ami-

cable terms, even if the relationships
continue on an informal basis.
Carefully track your mentoring relationships,
and make suggestions as needed.

• describe the general process of being

mentored––how it works and why it’s

Final Thoughts

• stay up to date with each of your men-

These are the critical skills needed by
mentors and mentees for effective mentoring
relationships. As a closing exercise to reinforce
your learning, complete the mentoring skills selfassessment on the following page.

tors on issues between you, goals to
reach, satisfaction with your meeting
schedules, etc.;
• analyze the current status of your

mentoring partnerships, and determine where to go next with them;

There are countless ways of achieving greatness, but any road to
achieving one’s maximum potential must be built on a bedrock of
respect for the individual, a commitment to excellence, and a
rejection of mediocrity.
— Buck Rodgers
Manager, professional baseball


Directions: Assess your potential to be a successful mentor and mentee by rating yourself on the following mentoring skills. For each skill, circle the appropriate number. Total the numbers for each part (I,
II, and III), and read the interpretations.

Quality of Skill

Mentoring Skill


Part I. Shared Core Skills
Listening Actively
Building Trust
Identifying Goals and Current Reality


Very Good


Subtotal Core Skills




Excellent core skills; you could coach others; concentrate improvement efforts on fine-tuning your
11-15 Very good skills; continue to polish those skills that will make you even more effective and
desirable as a mentor or mentee
Adequate core skills; work on your less-developed skills in order to have better relationships
5 or
You’ll benefit from coaching and practice on core skills; acquire training or coaching, and
under observe others who have strong skills

Part II. Mentor-Specific Skills
Instructing/Developing Capabilities
Providing Corrective Feedback
Managing Risks
Opening Doors


Subtotal Mentor Skills



Excellent mentor skills; you could coach others; concentrate improvement efforts on fine-tuning your
style with particular mentees
15-19 Very good skills; continue to polish those skills that will make you even more effective and
desirable as a mentor
10-14 Adequate mentor skills; work on your less-developed skills in order to acquire strong mentees and
have better relationships with them
9 or
You’ll benefit from coaching and practice on mentor skills; acquire training or coaching, and
under observe others who have strong skills

Part III. Mentee-Specific Skills
Acquiring Mentors
Learning Quickly
Showing Initiative
Following Through
Managing the Relationship



Subtotal Mentee Skills


Excellent mentee skills; you could coach other mentees; concentrate any improvement efforts on
fine-tuning your style with particular mentors
15-19 Very good skills; continue to polish those skills that will make you even more effective and
desirable as a mentee
10-14 Adequate mentee skills; work on your less-developed skills in order to acquire strong mentors and
have better relationships with them
9 or
You’ll benefit from coaching and practice on mentee skills; get training or coaching, and observe
under others who have strong skills


1. Hakim, C. (1994) We Are All Self-Employed: The New Social Contract for Working
in a Changed World. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
2. Peterson, D. B. & Hicks, M. D. (1996) Leader as Coach. Minneapolis: Personnel
Decisions International, 800.633.4410.
3. Peterson, D. B. & Hicks, M. D. (1995) Development FIRST. Minneapolis: Personnel
Decisions International, 800.633.4410.
4. Phillips-Jones, L. (2003) The Mentee’s Guide: How to Have a Successful Relationship with a Mentor. CCC/The Mentoring Group, 13560 Mesa Drive, Grass Valley,
CA 95949, 530.268.1146.
5. Phillips-Jones, L. (2003) The Mentor’s Guide: How to Be the Kind of MentorYou
Once Had—Or Wish You’d Had. CCC/The Mentoring Group, 13560 Mesa Drive,
Grass Valley, CA 95949, 530.268.1146
6. Phillips-Jones, L. (2003) Strategies for Getting the MentoringYou Need: A Look at
Best Practices of Successful Mentees. CCC/The Mentoring Group, 13560 Mesa
Drive, Grass Valley, CA 95949, 530.268.1146.
7. Phillips-Jones, L. (2001 revision) The New Mentors and Proteges: How to Succeed
with the New Mentoring Partnerships. CCC/The Mentoring Group, 13560 Mesa
Drive, Grass Valley, CA 95949, 530.268.1146.
8. Senge, P.M. (1990) The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of theLearning
Organization. New York: Doubleday.


About the Author
Dr. Linda Phillips-Jones was a licensed psychologist, the author of various publications,
and a consultant to a wide range of organizations. Dr. Phillips-Jones passed away in
December of 2006 after a valiant six-year fight with four rounds of cancer. CCC/The
Mentoring Group continues to promote Dr. Linda’s mentoring vision through her publications
and philosophy on mentoring.

This booklet appears as a chapter in The Mentoring Coordinator’s Guide, The Mentor’s
Guide, and The Mentee’s Guide. For copies of any of these Guides, contact CCC/The
Mentoring Group, 13560 Mesa Drive, Grass Valley, CA 95949,
For additional copies of this booklet, contact CCC/The Mentoring Group. Phone:
530.268.1146; fax: 530.268.3636; or e-mail: Check Products
at for information on quantity discounts.




Competencies of
Outstanding Mentors
and Mentees
by Linda Phillips-Jones, Ph.D.

###  CCC502-02