Fact sheet that outlines the organic regulations for organic livestock production.
All Regions
4648, 4648, Organic-Livestock-Requirements, Organic-Livestock-Requirements.pdf, 445324, https://cms.organictransition.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Organic-Livestock-Requirements.pdf, https://cms.organictransition.org/resource/organic-livestock-requirements/organic-livestock-requirements-2/, , 9, , , organic-livestock-requirements-2, inherit, 4644, 2024-01-11 23:14:52, 2024-01-11 23:14:52, 0, application/pdf, application, pdf, https://cms.organictransition.org/wp-includes/images/media/document.png
Organic certification verifies that livestock are raised
according to the USDA organic regulations throughout
their lives. www.ams.usda.gov/organicinfo
Like other organic products, organic livestock must be:
Produced without genetic engineering, ionizing
radiation, or sewage sludge.
Managed in a manner that conserves natural
resources and biodiversity.
Raised per the National List of Allowed and
Prohibited Substances (National List).
Overseen by a USDA National Organic Programauthorized certifying agent, meeting all USDA
organic regulations.
Farmers and ranchers must accommodate the health
and natural behavior of their animals year-round. For
example, organic livestock must be:
Generally, managed organically from the last
third of gestation (mammals) or second day of life
Allowed year-round access to the outdoors except
under specific conditions (e.g., inclement weather).
Raised on certified organic land meeting all
organic crop production standards.
Raised per animal health and welfare standards.
Fed 100 percent certified organic
feed, except for trace minerals and vitamins used
to meet the animal’s nutritional requirements.
Managed without antibiotics, added growth
hormones, mammalian or avian byproducts,
or other prohibited feed ingredients (e.g., urea,
manure, or arsenic compounds).
To determine if a farm complies with the USDA organic
regulations, certifying agents review the farm’s written
organic system plan and on-site inspection findings.
Which substances can be used to prevent
and treat diseases in organic livestock?
Prevention. Since organic farmers can’t routinely use
drugs to prevent diseases and parasites, they mostly
use animal selection and management practices. Only
a few drugs, such as vaccines, are allowed.
Treatment. Pain medication and dewormers (for dairy
and breeder stock) are examples of allowed animal
drugs. These therapies are only allowed if preventive
strategies fail and the animal becomes ill.
Approved synthetics: http://bit.ly/livestock-synthetics
If approved interventions fail, the animal must still be
given all appropriate treatment(s). However, once an
animal is treated with a prohibited substance (e.g.,
antibiotics), the animal and/or its products must not be
sold as organic post-treatment.
USDA National Organic Program | Agricultural Marketing Service
July 2013
How do the organic standards
support animal welfare?
Organic livestock must be raised in a way that
accommodates their health and natural behavior:
Access to the outdoors —
Space for exercise
Fresh air
Clean, dry bedding
Clean drinking water
Direct sunlight
Organic management reduces stress, reducing the
incidence of diseases and supporting animal welfare.
Organic ruminant livestock—such as cattle, sheep,
and goats—must have free access to certified organic
pasture for the entire grazing season. This period is
specific to the farm’s geographic climate, but must be
at least 120 days. Due to weather, season, or climate,
the grazing season may or may not be continuous.
Organic ruminants’ diets must contain at least 30
percent dry matter (on average) from certified organic
pasture. Dry matter intake (DMI) is the amount of
feed an animal consumes per day on a moisture-free
basis. The rest of its diet must also be certified organic,
including hay, grain, and other agricultural products.
After an animal reaches the 120-day
grazing minimum, does that mean it no
longer needs to be on pasture?
No. Ruminant livestock must graze on certified organic
pasture throughout the entire grazing season for the
geographic region. Depending on region-specific
environmental conditions (e.g., rainfall), the grazing
season will range from 120 to 365 days per year.
Per the USDA organic regulations, the grazing season is
the period of time when pasture is available for grazing
due to natural precipitation or irrigation.
Outside the grazing season, ruminants must have
free access to the outdoors year-round except under
specified conditions (e.g. inclement weather). Ruminant
slaughter stock are exempt from the 30 percent DMI
from pasture requirement for the last fifth of their lives
(up to 120 days).
To access worksheets on calculating DMI from pasture,
visit www.ams.usda.gov/NOPProgramHandbook.
Organic livestock production and pasture-based systems
provide many benefits:
Environment. Organic farmers and ranchers use practices
that minimize impacts to the off-farm environment.
They implement plans to avoid manure runoff, instead
using manure as fertilizer or composting it to conserve
nutrients. Additionally, farmers use sustainable practices
such as crop rotation and cover crops to maintain soil
fertility and protect soil and water quality.
Animal Health. Pasture-based diets improve ruminants’
digestive health, making the rumen (first stomach)
less acidic. This lower acidity increases the number of
beneficial microorganisms that help ferment ruminants’
high-fiber diet. Pasture-based systems have been shown
to reduce hock lesions and other lameness, mastitis,
veterinary expenses, and cull rates.
For a detailed guide on organic livestock production,
visit http://bit.ly/organic-livestock-guide.