Organic Certifiers-Texas-AGEC-319XC-L
All the organic certifiers that our Texas Producers use.
12916, 12916, Organic Certifiers-Texas-AGEC-319XC-L, Organic-Certifiers-Texas-AGEC-319XC-L.pdf, 5408093,,, , 22, , , organic-certifiers-texas-agec-319xc-l, inherit, 12915, 2024-05-09 17:44:44, 2024-05-09 17:44:44, 0, application/pdf, application, pdf,
QCS (Quality Cer fica on Services) is a USDA, COR, EU, and ANAB
ISO/IEC 17065 accredited cer fica on body that offers a wide array
of cer fica on op ons for farming of crops, livestock, aquaculture,
animal feed manufacturing, packing, handling, and processing and wild harvest opera ons. We’re proud
of our diverse clients and services, but we’re most proud to offer affordable cer fica on and an unwaver‐
ing commitment to customer service. Our mission is to provide a variety of quality cer fica on/
verifica on op ons that promote sustainability as well as enhance global market access from seed to
shelf through partnerships, innova ons, and technology. We offer organic add on’s- ROA, OPT and offer
many other cer fica ons including food safety, EVE Vegan, and more.
General Informa on
Meridith Morgan
Texas Department of Agriculture -The mission of the Texas Department of
Agriculture Organic Cer fica on Program is to ensure the integrity of organic agri
culture products produced and manufactured in Texas by providing cer fica on
services to Texas producers and agribusinesses. TDA inspects and cer fies organic
crop and livestock producers, as well as a variety of organic food and fiber handlers. To be cer fied, an
opera on or por on of an opera on must comply with organic produc on and handling regula ons es‐
tablished under NOP Regula ons. In exchange for par cipa on, cer fied organic businesses may use both
the USDA organic seal and the TDA organic logo to iden fy their products as cer fied organic. The Mar‐
ke ng Division at TDA may also help cer fied businesses market their products by promo ng Texascer fied organic food and fiber, through the Go Texan program.
General Informa on
Brandi Chandler 512-463-7513
Where Food Comes From Organics (WFCFO) Castle Rock, CO provides cer fica on
services for opera ons that produce crops and livestock and/or handle organic products.
Each cer fica on category allows clients to choose their cer fica on needs based on the
type of product that they are looking to cer fy. Our goal has always been to make organic
cer fica on accessible to as many farmers, retailers, restaurants, and consumer packaged
goods companies as possible, while also making sure that it is cost effec ve. We strive to provide world-class
customer service while also streamlining the cer fica on process for each customer.
We offer an online Organic System Plan system that helps streamline and stay organized on your organic cer‐
fica on and ensure your supply chain is compliant to the NOP. WFCFO offer a wide variety of programs like
the Organic cer fica on and would be happy to discuss bundling opportuni es.
Where Food Comes From
Organics (WFCFO)
Tara Koening
(701) 695-2079
SCS Global is among the first cer fiers to be accredited
under USDA Na onal Organic Program (NOP) and works
success fully with innova ve growers and handlers around
the globe to promote responsible agricultural prac ces. We provide Organic cer fica on across the en re
U.S. and interna onally. With compe ve rates, first-class service, and prompt turnaround mes, we will
help you become a part of the growing organic movement.
Brandon Nauman
SCS Global Services
Americert Interna onal is a USDA accredited cer fying agent that was originally
accredited by the USDA in 2009. Based in Gainesville, Florida, Americert Interna onal
cer fies throughout the United States and cer fies farms and handler opera ons.
Americert has offered cer fica on in Texas since first obtaining accredita on and
Americert Interna onal
Jonathan Aus n
Oregon Tilth believes food and agriculture should be biologically sound and
socially equitable. As a leading organic cer fier and nonprofit organiza on,
Oregon Tilth advances the organic sector through cer fica on, educa on, and
In addi on to cer fica on services, our nonprofit work educates producers,
ag service providers, ins tu ons, and governmental officials on the myriad of ben‐
efits in organic prac ces. In the last 47 years of service, Oregon Tilth has shaped the 1990 Organic Food
Produc ons Act, which created the Na onal Organic Program, helped launch the first organic extension
program, educated thousands on the benefits of organic, and helped countless producers transi on to
Levi Fredrikson
getcer fied@
Oregon Tilth
OCIA Interna onal is one of the world’s oldest, largest, and most
trusted leaders in the organic cer fica on industry. Founded in
1985, OCIA Interna onal provides comprehensive organic cer fi‐
ca on services to members in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Nicaragua, and Japan.
We believe in, and we are commi ed to, environmentally sound stewardship.We support processors as
they transi on from conven onal to organic prac ces, and our support con nues throughout the annual
renewal process.
OCIA Interna onal
Kelsey Sejkora
Organic Cer fiers was established by the Siple family in Ventura County, California. In 1996,
Susan and Randolph commenced OC and began cer fying local organic farmers using a
commonsense approach.
In 2002, OC was one of the first cer fica on agencies to become accredited to the
USDA NOP (Na onal Organic Program) standard. OC began to steadily grow and gain respect
in the organic community. OC con nues to approach organic cer fica on with a focus on “sound and sensi‐
ble” by offering reasonable informa on requests, quick response me, and forming one-on-one rela onships
between OC representa ves and clients.
Organic Cer fiers
Kendall Mar n
(805) 576-7706
Hayley Doyle
(805) 881-6368
CCOF advocates on behalf of our members for organic policies, support the growth of
organic through educa on and grants, and provide organic cer fica on that is personal
and accessible.
CCOF is a nonprofit organiza on governed by the people who grow and make our food.
Founded in California half a century ago, today our roots span the breadth of North America and our
presence is interna onally recognized. We are supported by an organic family of farmers, ranchers, pro‐
cessors, retailers, consumers, and policymakers. Together, we work to realize a future where organic is
the norm.
Kim Ha ield
(831) 346-6217
Midwest Organic Services Associa on (MOSA) Viroqua, WI promotes organic
integrity through prac cal, reliable, and friendly cer fica on services. MOSA is the
second largest organic cer fier in the United States and the largest cer fier of
livestock and dairy.
Ini ally a Midwest focused organiza on, we now cer fy clients throughout the Mid‐
west, Mideast, Great Plains, South Central and Northeast United States. We are expanding into the South‐
west, Southeast and into Colorado. We offer USDA Na onal Organic Program cer fica on services for
farms, retailers, restaurants, distributors, processors, brokers, importers/exporters, ingredient suppliers and
feed mills. We also offer a Transi onal Verifica on for those who need it for organic transi on cost share
(844) 637-2526
MOSA Cer fied Organic General
NICS (Natures Interna onal Cer fica on Services) Specializing in organic food
cer fica on through the USDA Na onal Organic Program (NOP), we offer a
comprehensive range of services for farmers, producers, and handlers.
With a strong presence across the United States and par cularly in the state
of Texas. Our expert team consists of seasoned professionals well-versed in organic standards and organic
agricultural systems and prac ces. NICS, alongside Ecocert, is driven to make the cer fica on process ac‐
cessible and seamless, offering a wide array of op ons that align with the unique requirements of our cli‐
ents. NICS delivers cer fica ons that resonate with values of authen city, integrity, sustainability, and
Emily Fowell
(608) 637-7080
Quality Certification Service
General Information:
Meredith Morgan Phone: 352.377.0133 Phone 352.745.3363
Texas Department of Agriculture
General Information: Phone: 512.463.7513
Brandi Chandler
Website Organics (
SCS Global Services
Brandon Nauman
Phone: 775.546.3099
Americert International
Jonathan Austin
Phone: 352.336.5700
Oregon Tilth
Levi Fredrikson
Phone: 541.201.8042
OCIA International
Kelsey Sejkora
Phone: 402.477.2323
Organic Certifiers
Kendall Martin
Phone: (805) 576-7706
Hayley Doyle
Phone: (805) 881-6368
Kim Hatfield
Phone: 831.346.6217
Where Food Comes From
Tara Koening
Phone: 701.695.2079
Midwest Organic Services Association (MOSA)
Phone: 844.637.2526
Natures International Certification Services (NICS)
Phone: 608.637.7080