Natural Resource and Biodiversity Conservation

Fact sheet on USDA organic regulations for natural resource and biodiversity conservation.

Natural Resource and Biodiversity
O rg a n i c C e rt i f i c a t i o n F a c t S h e e t
Organic farming integrates cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of
resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. Organic farmers respond to
site-specific conditions to maintain or improve the natural resources on a farm, including soil
and water quality.
7CFR §205.200 and §205.203 USDA organic regulations require producers to implement practices that maintain or improve the natural resources of the operation,
including soil and water. Organic regulations also require producers to implement
practices that maintain or improve organic matter content, the physical, chemical,
and biological condition of the soil, and minimize soil erosion.

Resource Concerns in Washington State
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides technical and financial
assistance to farmers and ranchers to conserve biological diversity and natural resources on their
land. NRCS has identified six priority resource concerns on cropland in Washington State:

Soil erosion
Inefficient irrigation water use
Excess nutrients in surface and ground waters
Pesticides transported to surface and ground waters
Excessive sediment in surface water
Habitat degradation

Certification Requirements
WSDA Organic Program addresses our state’s priority resource concerns in our Organic System
Plan (OSP), a form all certified operations are required to complete and maintain. The Natural
Resources and Biological Diversity section of the OSP lists common conservation practices
consistent with the NRCS prescribed practice standards. This section prompts farmers to:

Identify resource concerns on their organic land.

List practices used to restore, conserve, or improve the natural resources and biodiversity.
Examples include reduced tillage, hedgerow planting, streambank protection, and microirrigation.

Describe how records are kept to document practices and activities. Records may include water
or soil test results, conservation maps, and activity logs for mowing, pest monitoring, reseeding,
grazing rotations, etc.

AGR 3016 – Updated August 2020

Natural Resources and Biological Diversity Conservation

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When completing the Organic System Plan, organic farmers may consider activities on land adjacent
to their certified site if the producer is in control of the land and the practices directly benefit the
certified site.
Organic Program staff will evaluate a farm’s plan to determine compliance with USDA organic
regulations. An inspector then confirms the conservation activities are occurring during their annual
on-site inspection. Our team provides ongoing technical assistance and can direct farmers to
resources that may help them meet organic standards.

NOP Guidance 5020 National Resource and Biodiversity Conservation
The National Organic Program developed guidance that includes examples of compliant
conservation practices, clarifies the roles and responsibilities of certified producers and organic
certifiers, and allows for the use of third-party conservation plans to demonstrate compliance. 5020 Biodiversity Guidance Rev01

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
NRCS can help organic producers develop a conservation plan that meets their goals, and can often
help with financial assistance to implement elements of the plan. Find resources and support,
including training and local field office information online:

The NRCS practice standards contain definitions and purposes, as well as providing conditions,
specific design criteria, considerations, and maintenance of practices. WSDA Organic Program
utilizes the definitions and purposes of the NRCS standards when evaluating certified farms efforts
to maintain or improve natural resources. NRCS practice standards are available online:

WSDA Organic Program
PO Box 42560 | Olympia WA 98504-2560
(360) 902-1805 |
AGR 3016 – Updated August 2020

All Regions

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