Central Time
June 28, 2024
10:00 am
June 28, 2024
3:00 pm
Ridgeway, WI
13190, 13190, Meadowlark Field Day Instagram Post(2) – Kelly Debbink, Meadowlark-Field-Day-Instagram-Post2-Kelly-Debbink.png, 1108157, https://cms.organictransition.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Meadowlark-Field-Day-Instagram-Post2-Kelly-Debbink.png, https://cms.organictransition.org/event/meadowlark-organics-farm-and-mill-field-day/meadowlark-field-day-instagram-post2-kelly-debbink/, , 28, , , meadowlark-field-day-instagram-post2-kelly-debbink, inherit, 13189, 2024-06-21 16:55:57, 2024-06-21 16:55:57, 0, image/png, image, png, https://cms.organictransition.org/wp-includes/images/media/default.png, 1080, 1080, Array
Come explore food-grade grain production from field to flour bag!
Meadowlark Organics farms over 1,000 acres of diverse grains which are channeled through their on-farm flour mill. These grains are found in the region’s bakeries, distilleries, restaurants, farmer’s markets, and retailers, as well as the pantries of home bakers.
During the Field Day, we’ll explore ways Meadowlark has prioritized diversity in their rotations through field walks and a mill and granary tour, discussing the benefits and challenges they’ve encountered along the way. We’ll also welcome leaders in organic grain from NRCS, Grassland 2.0, and Artisan Grain Collaborative (AGC) to share some of the resources available to help farmers with diversification.
This event is free, and lunch will be provided featuring bread made with Meadowlark flour by ORIGIN Breads. Please register here to help us plan: https://ograin.cals.wisc.edu/june-28-2024-field-day-registration/