Fact sheet on the basic information for materials allowed in organic crop and livestock production.
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4620, 4620, Materials for Organic Crop and Livestock Production, Materials-for-Organic-Crop-and-Livestock-Production.pdf, 152622, https://cms.organictransition.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Materials-for-Organic-Crop-and-Livestock-Production.pdf, https://cms.organictransition.org/resource/4619/materials-for-organic-crop-and-livestock-production/, , 9, , , materials-for-organic-crop-and-livestock-production, inherit, 4619, 2024-01-10 22:34:45, 2024-01-10 22:34:45, 0, application/pdf, application, pdf, https://cms.organictransition.org/wp-includes/images/media/document.png
Materials for Organic Crop
& Livestock Production
USDA’s national organic regulations list inputs – fertilizer, pest control, etc. – that are
allowed in organic production. With some exceptions, all natural (non-synthetic) inputs
are allowed and synthetic products are prohibited. For organic production, always check
that you are using a material for its reviewed purpose and following all restrictions.
How do I know if I can use a
material on my organic farm?
Look up the material in a
recognized input material list and
follow all restrictions for using the
material. There are a few different
material lists to verify if a product
is allowed for organic production.
Check with your organic certifier to
ensure a material is allowed in the
way you intend to use it. Double
checking any new material you are
planning to use with your certifier
will ensure that you will remain in
compliance with the organic
Non-synthetic (natural): A substance derived
from a mineral, plant, or animal matter and
does not undergo a synthetic process.
Synthetic: A substance formulated or
manufactured by a chemical process or by a
process that chemically changes a substance
extracted from naturally occurring plant,
animal, or mineral sources.
Material Lists
OMRI: Organic Materials
Review Institute:
WSDA: Washington State
Department of Agriculture:
National List of Allowed
and Prohibited Substances:
What materials can I use
while I transition to organic?
For the transition leading up to organic
certification, you can only use materials
that are allowed in organic production.
This includes fertilizers, pest and disease
controls, seeds, seed treatments,
livestock treatments, cleaning agents,
and any other materials used on the
Helpful Tips for Finding and
Using Organic Materials
Input labels may use
“organic” to refer to the
product chemistry rather
than its approval for use in
organic agriculture.
Look for the WSDA Approved
for use in Organic Production
seal or the OMRI logo on
product labels.
Consider how the input is
being used. Products may be
approved for a specific use
and prohibited under other
Check names carefully. A one
letter difference in a brand
name may distinguish a
compliant product from a
noncompliant version.
Input materials may not
disclose all the inactive
ingredients on a label. 100%
of the ingredients must be
evaluated for compliance. If
you cannot determine all the
ingredients, don’t use the
input on your organic or
transitional site.
Looking for a material to use for a specific control
purpose on your operation?
NCAT ATTRA maintains a Sustainable Pest and Weed Control
Database that lists control materials by specific pests, weeds, and
diseases in organic management. This list may not be up to date per
organic regulations – make sure to check all materials with a
recognized input list and an organic certifier.