Farmers Organic Roundtable: Cost Share Program

July 18, 2024
6:30 pm
July 18, 2024
7:30 pm
NOFA New Hampshire

The Farmers Organic Roundtable provides an opportunity for organic farmers, those transitioning to organic and those investigating organic production to gather and connect. The goal of this roundtable is to build an organic support network for farmers to discuss issues, solutions, successes, and ideas.

The July session will feature the Farm Service Agency and Organic Certification Cost Share Program (OCCSP).

This roundtable is hosted by the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Hampshire (NOFA-NH), Sponsored by the Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) and facilitated by NOFA-NH’s TOPP Coordinator.

This recurring meeting will allow farmers to network and build relationships that will support organic production in New Hampshire. Together, we can bring issues to light, help to foster solutions for farmers through the collaboration of state partner organizations, meet with technical advisors and co-create topic-specific meetings, as well as on-farm workshops and collaborations that will build a supportive network of farmers in the Granite State.
