In this episode I deep dive into organic approved insecticides. There’s more than just Pyganic and Neem!
Resources Category: Crop Rotation
Crop Rotations, Composting and Cover Crops for Organic Vegetable Production
Organic production and consumption has increased to a $39.5 billion industry in the United States with over 22,000 organic farmers. Over 5.4 million acres are in organic production in the U.S., including 164,403 acres of organic vegetables, valued at $1.3 billion. The majority of organic vegetable growers incorporate crop rotations, composting, and cover crops in… Continue reading Crop Rotations, Composting and Cover Crops for Organic Vegetable Production
Crop Rotation on Organic Farms
A complete, step-by-step crop rotation planning guide for organic farmers. 154 pages.
Tipsheet: Crop Rotation in Organic Farming Systems
fact-sheets on crop rotations for organic farming systems.