Organic Research & Climate-Smart Commodities Field Day

Central Daylight Time
August 26, 2024
9:30 am
August 26, 2024
3:00 pm

Arlington Agricultural Research Station, Arlington, WI 53911
OGRAIN, Marbleseed

14128, 14128, 2024ArlingtonFieldDayFlier_FromMarbleseed – Kelly Debbink, 2024ArlingtonFieldDayFlier_FromMarbleseed-Kelly-Debbink.pdf, 2068760,,, , 6, , , 2024arlingtonfielddayflier_frommarbleseed-kelly-debbink, inherit, 14127, 2024-08-14 15:55:45, 2024-08-14 15:55:45, 0, application/pdf, application, pdf,

Join OGRAIN and Marbleseed at Arlington Agricultural Research Station. We’ll spend the morning touring the station to check out the latest University of Wisconsin research in organic grains and forages, including roller crimping, strip tillage, and alternative crops. Afterwards, we’ll talk climate-smart commodities opportunities. What are they? How do they work? What programs are out there? This event is free, and lunch is included. Please register, if possible, to help us plan lunch. This field day is designed to provide valuable information to certified organic farmers, as well as farmers interested in exploring the transition to certified organic production on some or all their acres, as well as farmers interested in cover crops, soil health practices, or alternative equipment to manage weeds.